These are translations that I have done of of various papers important for our research
To obtain the translations, click on the DOC button next to the citation
Aimen, J. 1760. Recherches sur les progres et la cause de la nielle. (Research on the progress and cause of smut). Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique, L'Académie Royale des Sciences. 3: 68-85. DOC
Goldschmidt, V. 1928. Genetic studies with the biological species of anther-smut (Ustilago violacea Pers). Zeitschrift fur Botanik 21:1-90. DOC
Ludwig, W. 1942. Agrometeorological population genetic contemplation. Unpublished poem sent to Charlotte Boost ca. 1942. DOC
Ludwig, W. 1950. On the theory of competition. Annidation as the fifth evolutionary factor. Neue Ergebnisse und Probleme der Zoologie (Klatt-Festschrift). DOC
Vuillemin, P. 1891. On the effect of parasitism by Ustilago antherarum. Comptes Rendus, Paris 113: 662-665. DOC